Marine Life of the North Atlantic, Canada to Cape May, by Andrew J. Martinez, ISBN 978-1-881652-35-9, $35.00
Guide to Marine Life: Caribbean, Bahamas, Florida, by Marty Snyderman & Clay Wiseman, ISBN 1-881652-06-8, $34.95
Will A Clownfish Make You Giggle? Answers To Some Very Fishy Questions, by Kay Dokken, illustrated by Vicki Marcellan-Allen, ISBN 1-881652-07-6, $14.95
Amber Forest (paperback), by Ronald H. McPeak, Dale A. Glantz & Carole R. Shaw, ISBN 0-922769-00-1, $19.95
Amber Forest (hardcover), by Ronald H. McPeak, Dale A. Glantz & Carole R. Shaw, ISBN 0-922769-00-X, $29.95
Fish/Invertebrate Id Cards Distributed by Aqua Quest Publications:
Fish/Invertebrate Identification Cards, by Natural World Press, 60-plus fish per card, 6x9, plastic, $6.50 EACH. Cards available include: Australia (Including Great Barrier Reef, Coral Sea, Fiji and adjacent waters); Bahamas; Cayman Islands; Caribbean Reef Fish; Cozumel, Belize and Honduras; Florida; Hawaii; Indian Ocean; Micronesia and Guam; Red Sea; Virgin Islands; Western Pacific (Including Indonesia and adjacent waters), and Marine Invertebrates of Florida and the Caribbean.