By Ronald H. McPeak, Dale A. Glantz and Carole R. Shaw
144 pages, 8-1/2x11, 122 color photos,
3 B & W photos
Hardcover: ISBN 0-922769-00-X, $29.95
Paperback: ISBN 0-922769-00-1, $19.95
Explore the nutrient-rich habitat of California's enchanted kelp forests through this beautiful four-color book. Beginning with the life cycle and growth of the giant kelp the authors detail the different habitats created by the amber forest from the holdfast and midwater fronds to the surface canopy. Each offers a unique sanctuary for myriad forms of life. Also discussed are fishing and diving the kelp beds, and harvesting kelp as a source of potash, algin and livestock feed.
Table of Contents
- Foreword
- Introduction
- The Forest
- Giant Kelp
- Life Cycle and Growth
- The Ever-Changing Forest
- The Forest as a Habitat
- An Overview
- The Holdfast
- The Midwater Fronds
- The Surface Canopy
- Santa Barbara: A Unique Macrocystis Environment
- The Impact of Animals on the Forest
- Mankind and the Forest
- Harvesting California's Kelp Forests
- Fishing and Diving
- Conservation and Education
- Glossary