Advanced Wreck Diving Handbook By Gary Gentile, 136 pages
8-1/2 x 11, spiral bound, Color photos, Index ISBN: 978-1-883056-29-2
Pub Date: 2007
Price $30.00
This new book, by noted wreck diver Gary Gentile, is a complete revision of his 1980's classic. All wreck divers, regardless of proficiency level, will benefit from Gary's 37 years of wreck diving experience. This experience was learned the hard way through many decades of pioneering trial and error. The practical information jammed into this volume will steer you to away from some potentiallly deadly mistakes towards a safer, more rewarding experience.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Dive Boat Safety
- Overnight Dive Trips
- Deep Diving Procedures
- Decompression Methods
- Wreck Penetration
- To Dive Alone
- Wreck Hunting
- Remote Visual Instruments
- Quick Photography Techniques
- Artifact Recovery
- Artifact Presevation and Restoration
- Lobsters Tail or Tale
- A Breathtaking Experience
- Index
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About the Author
Gary Gentile started his diving career in 1970. Since then he has made 1,000's of decompression dives, over 180 of them on the Andrea Doria. He has specialized in wreck diving and shipwreck research, concentration on wrecks along the East Coast, from Newfoundland to Key West, and in the Great Lakes. He has written dozens of articles for magazines and has published thousands of photographs in books, periodicals, newspapers, brochures, museum displays, film and television. He lectures extensively on wilderness and underwater topics, and conducts seminars on advanced wreck diving techniques and high-tech diving equipment. He is the author of more than three dozen books: primarily science fiction novels and nonfiction works on diving, and nautical and shipwreck history. His works include the Popular Dive Guide Series of shipwreck books along the East Coast. He served in the 25th Infantry Division in Vietnam where he was severely wounded.