Advanced Wreck Diving Handbook By Gary Gentile, 136 pages
8-1/2 x 11, spiral bound, Color photos, Index ISBN: 978-2-883056-29-2
Pub Date: 2007
Price $30.00
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Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Origin of the Present Volume
- Evolution
- Dive Boat Safety
- Das Boot
- El Capitan
- Carpe Diem
- Caveat Emptor
- Reductio Absurdum
- Deja Vu
- Myth and Misconception
- Climbing the Ladder of Success
- Grappling with Lines
- Overnight Dive Trips
- From Dusk Till Dawn
- Sleeping in Comfort
- Dressing for the Occasion
- The Goat Factor
- Waterproof Stowage
- Boat Food
- Chef du Jour
- Backups
- Repel Boarders
- Pastimes
- Caution
- Deep Diving Procedures
- Backup and Redundancy
- Tanks for the Memories
- Double Trouble
- Doubling the Flow
- Closed for Repairs
- The Pony Bottle
- Pony Bottle Placement
- Pony Bottle Advice
- Accessibility Options
- Does Size Matter?
- A Breath Away
- Buoyancy and Floatation
- The Vortex of Time
- Computers
- The Danglies
- Narcosis
- Hash and Rehash
- Decompression Methods
- Unplanned Decompression
- The Rule of Halves
- Maintaining Your Depth
- Breaking the Barrier
- Surface Exposure
- Planned Decompression
- The Anchor Line
- Location, Location, Location
- The Wreck Reel and Guideline
- Tying in the Hook
- Can You Hear Me Now
- Pulling the Hook
- Cutting Some Slack
- On the Line
- Incredible Invention: the Jonline
- The Jonline Clip
- Auxiliary Decompression Lines
- Mental Preparation
- Remote Decompression
- Drift Decompression
- Oh, Buoy
- The Personnal Decompression Line
- PDL Stowage and Retrieval
- The PDL in Practical Usage
- The Yo-yo Effect
- The Liftbag Custom
- Surfacing After Deco
- Wreck Reel: the Alternative PDL
- PDL Cautions
- PDL Maintenance
- Ascent Rate
- Computers
- The Ultimate Backup
- Wreck Penetration
- Redundant Backups—Again
- Wreck Conditions
- Let There Be Light
- Batteries
- Light Source
- Watertight Housing
- Helmets
- Accessibility
- The Suicide Clip
- Hooks, Clips, Snaps, and Carabiners
- Double Buckles
- The Razor's Edge
- Knee Pads
- Unnecessary Items
- Danglies
- Check Before Entry
- Partial Penetration
- Guidelines for a Full Penetration
- The Reel Deal
- Paired Penetration
- The Line Trap
- The Guideline Fallacy
- Progressive Penetration
- Adequate Air
- Marker Strobe
- Anti-Silting Techniques
- Let Your Fingers Do the Walking
- Avoidance Measures
- Lost But Not Forgotten
- To Dive Alone
- Wreck Hunting
- Misconceptions
- Metal Detectors
- Magnetometers
- Side-scan Sonar
- Remote Visual Instruments
- Drop Cameras
- The Miracle of Video
- Remotely Operated Vehicles
- Philosophical Musings
- Quick Photography Techniques
- The Camera System
- The Lens
- Detachable Strobe Arm
- The Strobe
- The Three-Shot Technique
- The Dive Light
- Lanyards
- Viewfinder
- Gary's Three Rules
- Recapitulation
- Film Speed—Fast or Slow?
- Reciprocity Failure
- The Digital Revolution
- It Is Worth the Trouble
- Artifact Recovery
- The Nautical Cyclopedia
- Know Your Stuff
- Planning
- The Holy Trinity
- Other Tools of the Trade
- The Goody Bag
- Rescuing Artifacts
- The Porthole
- The Sandman
- The Art of Lifting
- Artifact Presevation and Restoration
- The Importance of H2O
- Brass and Bronze: the Basics
- Brass Tacks and Tactics: the Acid Test
- Playing Pool
- Green with Envy
- Sandblasting
- The Brush-off
- The Shining
- Gold, Silver, Copper, and Pewter
- Earthenware, China, Porcelain, and Glass
- The Water Treatment—Again
- You Have Your Crust
- Gold Leaf
- Turning Over a New Leaf
- Restoring Marks
- Iron and Steel
- The Lye Detector Test
- Galvanizing Your Efforts
- The Final Touch of Irony
- Pumping Iron
- Electrolytic Reduction
- Wood and Leather
- Irrigation
- The PEG Leg
- Paper
- Bone, Horn, and Ivory
- Jewelry
- Afterword
- Lobsters: Tail or Tale
- Prey for Relief
- Change of Venue
- Sign of the Times
- Catch of the Day
- The One-Handed Approach
- If at First You Don't Succeed...
- Tickle their Inards
- Lobstering Etiquette
- A Rose by Any Other Name...
- A Breathtaking Experience
- Index
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