Choosing & Using Underwater Strobes by Jim Church, 96 pages, 5-1/2x8-1/2 inches, paperback, Color and B&W photos Price: $9.95
The authors guide the reader in choosing, using and maintaining underwater strobes. This book shows in detail how to get the right exposure-how to get the right exposure-including close-up exposures-and also deals with multiple lighting techniques. Color photographs show the results of various strobe applications. Some basic underwater photography knowledge is presumed.
About the Authors
Jim Church is a pioneer of modern underwater photography. Many of today's professionals got started with a camera in one hand, and Jim's articles and books in the other. Jim's writings and photographs have appeared hundreds of times during the past 30 years in photography, travel and dive magazines, and newspapers. His photographs have been used in advertisements for companies such as Kodak and Nikon, and appeared in numerous books including the Ocean World of Jacques Cousteau. He is the principal author of five previous books on underwater photography and the author of Jim Church's Essential Guide to Underwater Video. In 1985 Jim was the co-recipient of the NOGI Award for the Arts for his contribution to underwater photography. Today, he teaches underwater photography and leads photographic expeditions worldwide.