128 pages, 7x10 inches, paperback, Color photos, Maps, Index, Appendices
Revised November 2002
Price: $18.95
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Table of Contents
- The Past
- The Present
- Map
- Useful Information: Climate, Getting There, Entry & Exit Requirements, Currency, Taxes & Fees, Electricity, Telephone, Time, Driving & Transportation, Island Sensibilities, Language, Shopping, Where to Stay, What to Do
- Types of Diving: Topography, Skill Levels, Snorkeling, Shore Diving, Wreck Diving, Boat Diving, Boat Diving on your Own, Night Diving
- Conditions: Seasons, Currents & Winds, Depth, Visibility, Water Temperature
- Preserving Paradise: Moorings, Conservation Regulations, Being a Kinder & Gentler Diver
- Diving Services: Dive Shops, Liveaboard Dive Boats, Charter Yachts (crewed), Charter Yachts (bareboat), Rendezvous Diving, Dive Instruction, Photography Services
TORTOLA: Includes Offshore Islands
- Exploring Tortola: West End, Road Town, East End & Beef Island, The North Side, The Offshore & East End Islands
- Map
- Where to Stay
- Eat, Drink and Be Merry: Around Road Town, Outside Town
- What to Do: Touring, Shopping, Beaches, Activities & Day Trips
- Diving & Dive Shops: Baskin in the Sun, Blue Water Divers, Dive BVI, Underwater Safaris, Rainbow Visions, Liveaboard Dive Boats
Dive Sites
Pelican Island
1. Rainbow Canyons (S)
2. The Indians (S)
Norman Island
3. Ring Dove Rock
4. The Caves (S)
5. Sandy's Ledge (S)
6. Angelfish Reef (S)
7. Santa Monica Rock
8. Brown Pants
9. Spy Glass (S)
Peter Island
10. Carrot Shoal
11. Black Tip Reef
12. Rhone Anchor
13. Truck Reef
14. The Fearless & Willie T
15. Shark Point
Dead Chest West
16. Dead Chest West
17. Coral Gardens (S)
18. Painted Walls
Between Salt and Dead Chest
19. Blonde Rock
Salt Island
20. RMS Rhone
21. Rhone Reef (S)
Between Cooper and Salt
22. Vanishing Rocks
Cooper Island
23. Cistern Point (S)
24. The Marie L & Pat
25. Thumb Rock
26. Markoe Point
Between Cooper and Ginger
27. Carval Rock
28. Dry Rocks East
Ginger Island
29. Alice in Wonderland
30. Ginger Steps
31. Brewers Bay Pinnacles
The Dive
20. RMS Rhone: The Bow Section, The Stern Section
- At a Glance
- Exploring Virgin Gorda
- Map
- Where to Stay
- Eat, Drink and Be Merry
- What to Do
- Diving and Dive Shops: Dive BVI, Kilbride's Underwater Tours
Dive Sites
West Dog
32. Wall to Wall
33. Flintstones
34. The Visibles
George Dog
35. Bronco Billy (S)
36. Seal Dog Islands
Great Dog
37. Coral Gardens (Airplane Wreck) (S)
38. The Chimney (S)
Marina Cay
39. Diamond Reef (S)
Virgin Gorda
40. The Aquarium (S)
41. Mountain Point (S)
42. The Invisibles
43. The Chikuzen
- At a Glance
- Exploring Anegada
- Map
- Where to Stay
- Eat, Drink and Be Merry
- What to Do
- Fisheries Protected Area
- Diving and Dive Shops
Dive Sites
44. Loblolly Bay (S)
45. The Paramatta (S)
46. The Rocus (S)
- At a Glance
- Exploring Jost Van Dyke
- Map
- Where to Stay
- Eat, Drink and Be Merry
- What to Do
- Diving and Dive Shops
Dive Sites
Great Tobago
47. Watson Rock
48. Tobago Canyons
49. Mercurius Rock
Little Jost Van Dyke
50. Twin Towers
51. The Playground
Appendix 1: Emergency Numbers: Emergency Assistance, Emergency Communications Procedure, Recompression Chambers, Divers Alert Network
Appendix 2: Useful Numbers: Tourism Offices, Car Rentals, Airlines, Courier Services, Calendar of Events
Appendix 2: Dive Centers & Liveaboards