Diving Bay Islands By Cindy Garoutte, 128 pages, 7x10 inches, paperback,Color photos
Maps, Index, Appendices
ISBN 1-881652-02-5
Price: $18.95
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Table of Contents
BAY ISLANDS: Tropical Paradise
- The Past
- The Present
- Map
- Useful Information: Climate, Currency, Deserted Cays, Dining, Electricity, Entry & Exit Requirements, Fishing, Getting Around, Getting There, Hiking, Horseback Riding, Medical, Nature, Shopping, Telephone, Time, Tipping
- From San Pedro Sula
- Copan: El Sapo, Las Sepulturas, Agua Caliente, Copan Ruinas
- Spanish Language School
- Banana Plantation
- Puerto Cortes
- Fortress San Fernando del Omoa
- Cusuco Cloud Forest
- Lancetilla Botanical Gardens
- Pulhapanzak Falls and Lake Yojoa
- From Tegucigalpa
- Valle de Angeles
- La Triga Cloud Forest
- La Mosquitia
- From La Ceiba
- Cuero y Salado Wildlife Refuge
- Pico Bonito Cloud Forest
- Jungle River Rafting
- From Trujillo
- Cuyamel Cave
DIVING: A Picture of Diversity
- Boat Diving
- Diversity
- Facilities
- Night Diving
- Photography
- Preservation
- Safety
- Shore Diving
- Site Names
- Snorkeling
- Training
- Visibility
- Water Temperature
ROATAN: Something for Everyone
- Points of Interest: Villages, Bailey's Key Nature Trail, Dolphin Encounter, Roatan Museum, Transportation, West End Beach
- Map
- Diving
Dive Sites
North Shore
1. Blue Channel (S)
2. Half Moon Bay Wall (S)
3. Divemaster's Choice (S)
4. Hole in the Wall (S)
5. Canyon Reef (S)
6. Fish Den (S)
7. Eagle's Perch (S)
8. Peter's Place (S)
9. Bear's Den (S)
10. Wrasse Hole (S)
11. Verde Grande (S)
South Shore
12. Parrot Tree (S)
13. Channel Shore (S)
14. Forty-foot Point (S)
15. Valley of the Kings (S)
16. Mary's Place
17. Inside and Outside Chimneys (S)
18. Insidious Reef
19. Enchanted Forest
20. Herbie's Place
West End
21. West End (S)
22. West End Beach (S)
GUANAJA : The Romantic Isle
- Points of Interest: Big Gully, Michael's Rock, Fishing, Barbareta Charters
- Map
- Diving
Dive Sites
North Shore
23. The Pinnacle
24. Bayman Bay Drop (S)
25. Pavilions
26. Michael's Rock Channel (S)
27. Volcano Caves (S)
East Side
28. Caldera del Diablo
South Shore
29. Elkhorn Forests (S)
30. Ruthie C
31. Jado Trader
32. Jim's Silver Lode
33. Lee's Pleasure (S)s
34. Vertigo
UTILA: Trip Back In Time
Dive Sites
North Shore
35. CJ's Drop-off (S)
36. Willy's Hole (S)
37. Blackish Point
38. Northeast Pelagic (S)
East End
39. East End Reef
South Shore
40. Sturch Bank
41. Jernigan's Secret
42. Caroline's Mount
43. Airport Reef West (S)
44. Utila Lodge (S)
45. Silver Gardens (S)
46. Jack Neil Point (S)
47. Big Rock (S)
West End
48. Raggedy Cay (S)
- Barbareta
- Morat
- Diving Barbareta and Morat
Dive Sites
Barbareta and Morat
49. Barbareta & Morat Walls
50. Barbareta Beach Club
51. Jade Beach (S)
52. Trunk Turtle Wall
53. Shark Point
Pigeon Cays
54. Pigeon Cays (S)
55. Helene
Remote Banks
56. Providencia Banks
57. Roatan Banks
Dive Sites
58. Jana's Cove (S)
59. North Sand Cay Wall (S)
60. Pelican Point (S)
61. Phoenix Reef (S)
62. Plantation Beach Resort (S)
63. The Wall (S)
Appendix 1: Emergency Numbers, Divers Alert Network
Appendix 2: Useful Numbers
Appendix 3: Dive Operations